PRODAJA apartman Grebaštica 104,44 m2, 200 m od mora, 2 parkinga, Šibenik - Okolica, شقة

410,000.00 €
  • 52104.44 m²
عقار لـ
قدم مربعة
104.44 m²
عدد الطوابق
غرف النوم
نشرت من قبل
منذ 7 أشهر
بناء جديد
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تحت الإنشاء
الدولة / المنطقة / المحافظة
Šibensko-kninska županija
Šibenik - Okolica
منطقة المدينة
Poštanski broj
Proširi Mapu
رخصة بناء
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شهادة ملكية
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معلومات اضافية
بنية التحتية
  • كهرباء
كفاءة الطاقة
قيد التحضير
نوع التدفئة
  • مكيف هواء
معلومات اضافية
PRODAJE se apartman P1 ukupne korisne površine 104,44 m2. Nalazi u zgradi "Z4" na drugom katu. Sastoji se od ulaznog prostora, predsoblja, četri spavaće sobe, 2 kupaonice TWC, dnevne sobe s blagovaonicom i kuhinjom iz koje se izlazi na natkrivenu terasu i nenatkriveni balkon. Svaka soba ima klima jedinicu a dnevni boravak i kupaonice imaju i podno grijanje. Apartmanu pripadaju dva parkirna mjesta i spremište koja su uračunata u korisnu površinu. Zgrada je građena korištenjem modernih materijala, korištena je keramika I klase kao i vrhunska stolarija. Grijanje i hlađenje je riješeno klima uređajem marke HAIER. Tlocrt stane je funkcionalan i pogodan za ljetovanje ali i za cjelogodišnji boravak. Lokacija je 200 m od mora i plaže i cca 300 m od centra Grebaštice. U blizini svih potrebnih sadržaja (kafići, restorani, plaže, trgovački centar Dalmare na 15 min...). Video oglednog apartmana možete vidjeti na linku: Zainteresiranim klijentima možemo poslati snimku iz zraka cijelog kompleksa. Za više informacija kao i dogovor oko pregleda nekretnine, molim nazvati na + Gordan (WA/Viber available) ili + Suzana (WA/Viber available) FOR SALE apartment P1 with a total usable area of ​​ m2. It is located in the building "Z4" on the second floor. It consists of an entrance hall, a hall, four bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room with a dining room and a kitchen that leads to a covered terrace and an uncovered balcony. Each room has an air conditioning unit, and the living room and bathrooms also have underfloor heating. The apartment has two parking spaces and a storage room, which are included in the usable area.The building was built using modern materials, first-class ceramics and top-quality carpentry were used. Heating and cooling is solved by an air conditioner of the HAIER brand. The floor plan of the apartment is functional and suitable for summer vacations as well as year-round stays. The location is 200 m from the sea and the beach and approx. 300 m from the center of Grebaštica. Close to all necessary amenities (cafes, restaurants, beaches, Dalmare shopping center 15 minutes away...).You can see a video of the sample apartment at the link: can send an aerial shot of the entire complex to interested clients.For more information and to arrange a property inspection, please call Gordan (WA/Viber available) or Suzana (WA/Viber available)

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