Estera nekretnine
Real Estate Agency registered since Feb 01, 2024
Foundation of the Estera ulaganja d.o.o. company resulted from the need to support numerous citizens in obtaining loans, either cash or housing loans. Our assistance in obtaining housing loans (for buying or renovation) includes good knowledge of documentation related to buying and selling properties (there is much reason in saying "If a bank checked the property, it must be free and clear of encumbrance") as well as the entire process in connection with selling or buying property. More than once our clients who inquired their credit standing before buying asked us questions (What should I do if I am buying on credit?), they ask recommendation for buying (It is worth buying?, Does the documentation meet loan requirements?) or selling (What is the market price? How to clear encumbrances or restrictions on title deeds?). This inevitably leads to the conclusion that it makes sense in offering our services on the property market since our interests are compatible and entire buying and selling process is quite often connected to a loan. We can offer our service all over Croatia.
Company's head office is in Zagreb, Nemčićeva ulica 10, while branch offices are in Varaždin, Kukuljevićeva ulica 17 and Osijek, Zrinjevac 10a. We have been actively seeking premises for our office in Zadar, which would be sufficient for the first phase of our activity and development of our agency. We do hope that you will recognize our enthusiasm and qualifications for the services we offer and that we will reach the goal through mutual cooperation.