Dragulj u srcu stare jezgre Šibenika!!, Šibenik, Maison

1,500,000.00 €
  • 62202 m²
Property for
Type Maison
En séquence
Square feet
202 m²
Taille du lot
144 m²
Number of Floors
Dernière rénovation
Etat / Région / Province
Šibensko-kninska županija
City area
Poštanski broj
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Information suppléméntaire
U jednom od najstarijih hrvatskih gradova na jadranskoj obali, u staroj gradskoj jezgri Šibenika smjestila se ova prekrasna vila. Prilikom rekonstrukcije i adaptacije pronađen je kamen s godinom 1119, a kasnija istraživanje su potvrdila njegovu autentičnost, a iznad ulaznih vrata nalazi se kasnogotički (15.st) portal s ispisom na latinskom jeziku. Današnji vanjski oblik poprimila je u 15 st. Iznad ulaznih vrata u vrtu je najstariji poznati reljef Sv. Mihovila -zaštitnika grada Šibenika ( 11-13 st). Vrt je ukrašen gotičko-renesansnom ornamentikom. Vila se sastoji od 4 etaže i svaka ima 50-ak m2. Prizemlje :Iz prizemlja se ulazi direktno na ulicu, kroz vrata iznad kojih se nalazi spomenuti portal. Sve instalacije su u tom prostoru izvedene.. Stropovi su visoki skoro 4 metra, tako da je prostor pogodan za prenamjenu u veći dvoetažni stan ili kao ugostiteljski prostor. Na prvi kat se dolazi stepenicama kroz vrt i terasu a sastoji se od : prostranog dnevnog boravka, sobe kuhinje , kupaonice i ostave. Dnevni boravak je orijentiran prema zapadu, prema moru, a sva 3 prozora imaju pogled na more. Iz dnevnog boravka vode stepenice na drugi kat gdje su dvije sobe orjentirane na zapad i jedna je orijentirana na sjever. Na tom katu je kupaonica. Spiralno stubište vodi u potkrovlje koje čini zasebnu funkcionalnu stambenu cjelinu(studio apartman). S obzirom na činjenicu da kuća je građena od kamena, u najtoplijim ljetnim mjesecima temperatura u prizemlju ne prelazi 25 stupnjeva, a zimi ne pada ispod 14. Vrt i terasa ukupne su veličine 144 m2 i pružaju spektakularan pogled na more i zaštićen od pogleda sa svih strana. Rekonstrukcija i adaptacija: Podizanje krova za metar i pol, postavljanje potpuno novog krova, anti- seizmička instalacija i kompletno rušenje svih etaža koje su postojale prije, ostavljajući samo gole kamene zidova, nakon čega je građen kat po kat. Provedeni su i restauratorski radovi vani u kamenu, žbuka je potpuno uklonjena s fasade i svaki kamen je bio fugiran. Zbog nepostojanja pristupnog puta i činjenice da se do kuće može doći samo putem noge, radovi su bili mukotrpni i dugotrajni. Svaki komad namještaja je ili nov ili starinski (najčešće ručni rad), ili je originalno umjetničko djelo. Zanimljivost: Može se odrediti s gotovo 100% sigurnost da je Juraj Dalmatinac, graditelj šibenske katedrale, koja je uvrštena na popisu UNESCO-ve materijalne baštine, živio i radio u toj kući. Odlična mikrolokacija :40 m od mora, ar minuta hoda do Šibenske katedrale te blizina svih sadržaja potrebnih za život. Povezanost do zračne luke Zadar 76 km, a zračne luke Split 50 km. Blizina Nacionalnog parka Krka 12 km i Nacionalnog parka Kornati brodom oko sat i pol. Nekretnina tijekom cijele godine uživa u miru i tišini, budući da se nalazi u ulici bez cestovnog prometa. Kuća je, osim za stanovanje, vrlo pogodna i za turističko iznajmljivanje. Za sve potrebne informacija i razgled ove jedinstvene nekretnine obratite se s povjerenjem!! TANJA FAUST 097 658 43 53 This beautiful villa is located in one of the oldest Croatian cities on the Adriatic coast, in the old city center of Šibenik. During the reconstruction and adaptation, a stone with the year 1119 was found, and later research confirmed its authenticity, and above of the entrance door there is a late Gothic (15th century) portal with writing in Latin. It took its present external form in the 15th century. Above the entrance door in the garden is the oldest known relief of St. Michael - the protector of the city of Šibenik (11th -13th century). The garden is decorated with Gothic-Renaissance ornamentation. The villa consists of 4 floors and each has about 50 m2. Ground floor: From the ground floor you enter directly to street, through the door above which the mentioned portal is located. All installations in this area were completed. The ceilings are almost 4 meters high, so the space is suitable for conversion into a larger two-story apartment or as a catering space. The first floor is reached by stairs through the garden and terrace and consists of: spacious living room, kitchen room, bathroom and pantry. The living room is oriented towards the west, towards the sea, and all 3 windows have a view of the sea. Stairs lead from the living room to the second floor, where two rooms are oriented to the west and one is oriented to the north. There is a bathroom on that floor. A spiral staircase leads to the attic, which forms a separate functional residential unit (studio apartment). Given the fact that the house is built of stone, in the hottest summer months the temperature on the ground floor does not exceed 25°, and in winter it does not fall below 14°. The garden and terrace have a total size of 144 m2 and offer a spectacular view of the sea and protected from view from all sides. Reconstruction and adaptation: The roof has been raised by a meter and a half (installing a completely new roof), anti-seismic installation and complete demolition of all floors that existed before, which left only bare stone walls, after which it was built floor by floor. Restoration works were also carried out outside in stone, the plaster was completely removed from the facade and every stone was grouted. Due to the lack of an access road and the fact that the house can only be reached by foot, the work was painstaking and long-lasting. Every piece of furniture is either new or antique (most often handmade), or is an original work of art. Interesting fact: It can be determined with almost 100% certainty that Juraj the Dalmatian, the builder of the Šibenik cathedral, (which is listed on the list of UNESCO material heritage), lived and worked in that house. Excellent micro-location: 40 m from the sea, a minute's walk to the Šibenik Cathedral and close to all necessary amenities. Connection to Zadar airport 76 km, and Split airport 50 km. Close to Krka National Park 12 km and Kornati National Park about an hour and a half by boat. The property enjoys peace and quiet throughout the year, since it is located in a street without traffic. Apart from living, the house is also very suitable for tourist rental. For all the necessary information and a tour of this unique property, don't hesitate to reach out! TANJA FAUST 097 658 43 53 ID KOD AGENCIJE: DA100063305

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