Jasenice - građevinsko zemljište 510 m2; pogled na more! 62000€, Jasenice, Terrain

62,000.00 €
  • 510.0 m²
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510.0 m²
il y a 2 mois
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Information suppléméntaire
Jasenice - Maslenica Građevinsko zemljište površine 510m2 s kojeg se pruža pogled na more. Pristupni put osiguran. Sva infrastruktura u blizini. Blizina dućana, škole, pošte i svih drugih potrebnih sadržaja. Mogućnost kupnje i drugih parcela istog vlasnika smještenih uz zemljište. Sve dodatne informacije na upit. OBILAZAK NEKRETNINE OSIGURAN 7/7 DANA PO PRETHODNOM DOGOVORU! Jasenice - Maslenica Building plot of 510m2 with a view of the sea. Access road. All infrastructure located nearby. Close to shops, school, post office and all other necessary facilities. Possibility of buying other plots of the same owner located next to the land. All additional information on request. TOUR OF THE PROPERTY INSURED 7/7 DAYS BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT! Jasenice - Maslenica Baugrundstück von 510m2 mit Meerblick. Zufahrtsstraße. Alle Infrastruktur in unmittelbarer Nähe. In der Nähe von Geschäften, Schule, Post und allen anderen notwendigen Einrichtungen. Möglichkeit, andere Grundstücke desselben Eigentümers neben dem Grundstück zu kaufen. Alle weiteren Informationen auf Anfrage. BESICHTIGUNG DER IMMOBILIE 7/7 TAGE NACH VORHERIGER VEREINBARUNG! MAXXIA REAL ESTATE NEKRETNINE J. Jurja Strossmayera 1A, Zadar MAXXIA REAL ESTATE NEKRETNINE Trg Stjepana Radića 25 STARIGRAD PAKLENICA Contact: /

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