Lux trosoban stan, 93m2 sa velikim dvorištem - Dedinje. ID#119365, Savski Venac, Appartment

1,600.00 €
  • 30193.00 m²
Tipo de Negócio
Área M2
93.00 m²
Número de Pisos
Casas de Banho
há 2 meses
Estado / Região / Província
Grad Beograd
Savski Venac
Pivljanina Baja
Poštanski broj
Proširi Mapu
Certificado de propriedade
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A Infraestrutura
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Aquecimento central
Informação Adicional
Lux trosoban stan, 93m2 sa velikim dvorištem - Dedinje. Ovaj luksuzno opremljen stan se nalazi u jedinstvenom kompleksu apartmana u neposrednoj blizini Belog Dvora na Dedinju. Ono što ga čini posebnim je stil života koji nude lokacija okružena zelenilom, i veliko privatno dvorište sa travnjakom, letnjikovcem, sportskim terenom i ostalim sadržajem za rekreaciju. Zgrada ima 24-časovno obezbeđenje/portira i sveobuhvatan video nadzor. U cenu izdavanja je uključeno garažno parking mesto i ostava u prizemlju zgrade. Idealan je izbor za one koji žele mir i čistiji vazduh, a da su i dalje blizu svega što im je potrebno (prodavnice, saloni, restorani, parkić itd.) Dečija soba se može prilagoditi u dogovoru sa zakupcem (zameniti krevete, pretvoriti u radnu sobu itd.) Stan je slobodan od 15.januara. PREGLED: - 93m2 kompletno opremljen - Trosoban - Drugi sprat - Lift - Terasa sa pogledom na vrt - Garažno parking mesto - 24/7 obezbeđenje/portir - Veliko uređeno dvorište - Ostava - Bio kamin - Novi fancoil sistem grejanja/hlađenja (gas,toplotne pumpe) Mesečni zakup iznosi 1600 eur (bez računa). Luxury 2-bedroom, 93m2 apartment for rent. This luxuriously furnished apartment is located in a unique gated complex of apartments in the immediate vicinity of the Royal Palace in Dedinje. What makes it special is the lifestyle offered by the location surrounded by greenery, and a large private yard with a lawn, summer house, sports court and other recreational facilities. The building has 24 hour security/doorman services and comprehensive video surveillance. The rental price includes a garage parking space and a secure storage space on the ground floor of the building. It is an ideal choice for those who want peace and cleaner air, while still being close to everything they need (shops, salons, restaurants, park, etc.) The children's room can be adapted in agreement with the tenant (replace beds, turn into a study, etc.) The apartment is available from January 15. OVERVIEW: - 93m2 fully furnished - Three bedroom - Second floor - Elevator - Terrace with a view of the garden - Garage parking space - 24/7 security/porter - Large landscaped yard - Storage space - Bio fireplace - New fancoil heating/cooling system (gas, heat pumps) The monthly rent is 1600 eur (without bills). agencijska provizija 50%

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