
1 год назад

Foreign Property Exhibition in Belgrade

Foreign Property Exhibition in Belgrade
On 16 and 17 December, verified construction companies and real estate agencies from 10+ countries will gather at the Metropol Palace Hotel in...
2 года назад

Statistical portal: Real Estate Market

Statistical portal: Real Estate Market
With the aim of improving the service for clients of the nekretnine365.com classifieds, we launched the statistical portal REAL ESTATE MARKET...
3 года назад

Web site redesign

Web site redesign
Dear users, on 21.6.2021. a new upgraded version of the nekretnine365.com portal was launched, as well as our mobile applications for android...
5 лет назад

Kako uslikati fotografije nekretnine

Kako uslikati fotografije nekretnine
Jeste li ikad vidjeli slike neke nekretnine u časopisu ili na Internetu i pomislili, je li ovo mjesto uopće stvarno?  Kvalitetne fotografije...
6 лет назад

Website news (12/2018)

Website news (12/2018)
Dear users, In this month’s newsletter, we bring four news articles: We have introduced the possibility of registering and signing...
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    В таблице сравнений не добавлено ни одного объявления.
    Учетная запись с таким адресом электронной почты уже существует на сайте. Для синхронизации с плагином авторизации в соцсеть введите пароль к своей учетной записи на сайте.